The 8 Best Activities that Costa Rica has to Offer

You want to visit Costa Rica, but you don't know what you want to see and do there. With so many opportunities, you'll have to have a serious thought about which activities are your priority. To help, we've put together a list on some of the best activities to do during your visit.

You want to visit Costa Rica, but you don’t know what you want to see and do there. With so many opportunities, you’ll have to have a serious thought about which activities are your priority. To help, we’ve put together a list on some of the best activities to do during your visit.

1. Hiking

An activity that likely is top of mind with you think of Costa Rica and there is certainly no shortage of paces to do so. Volcanoes, beaches, cloud forests – the choice is yours. Once that’s settled, think about the level of difficulty you’re comfortable. These two things will help you decide which of the many options is best for you. Additionally, we suggest considering guided hikes. Your expert leader will be able to provide general assistance and a trained eye to spot wildlife.

2. Surfing

Surfers from around the world frequent Costa Rica year-round because of its warm waters and waves. Choose your coast – Pacific or Caribbean. Select your level of experience – beginner, intermediate, or advanced. If you’re in need of a lesson, they’re typically easy to find, even just by stepping foot on some beaches!

3. Snorkeling and Scuba

Wildlife sightings aren’t limited to land. There are 7,000+ marine species that can be found in Costa Rica’s surrounding waters. So, it is no surprise that it is on the top of the list for water activities. If you’re a snorkeler, think about if you’d like to do so by boat or shore. If a diver, we can help recommend dive sites, just let us know you’re level of experience!

4. Whitewater Rafting

Costa Rica provides a stunning background for this adventure. There are a few areas that would be recommended if this is something you’d like to do. Beginner or advanced, let us know what intensity of rapids you’re comfortable with, and we can point you in the right direction. If the kiddos are up for the challenge, there are some options that are suitable for them too!

5. Visit Waterfalls

Some of the most picturesque sights in Costa Rica can be found at its numerous waterfalls. After all, there’s something so magical about water cascading over a cliff to the pools below. There are plenty of options to choose from, just keep in mind a few things. Some falls will require a hike to access, entrance fees will vary, and some allow swimming while others do not. Also consider a guided tour if you won’t have access to a rental car during your stay.

6. Zip Lining

If you’ve searched “excursions in Costa Rica” you’ve likely seen a picture of someone effortlessly flying over green canopy, rivers, and cliffs. It’s a very popular activity that can be found all over the country. You should expect a safety demo and a short hike. Then you’ll glide line by line, each getting a little longer than the one before. If you’re an adrenaline seeker, this is a must do!

7. Bird Watching

It isn’t unusual for people to travel to Costa Rica for this very reason. Some enthusiasts even build a whole itinerary around this activity. There are 900+ species and most often seen will be toucans, macaws, and hummingbirds. Because the country is so diverse, make couple watching stops. Don’t forget your binoculars and camera!

8. Yoga

Yes, you read that right! Costa Rica is indeed a haven for yoga lovers. You could see or take a class quite literally anywhere – a resort, beach, volcano, or rainforest. If you’re a beginner, give it a try at least once. If you’re a wellness enthusiast and it’s your reason for travel, it belongs on your list. Think wellness retreat, group trip for your studio, location for instructor training or continuing education.

There you have it! Some of the best that Costa Rica has to offer. If you’re ready to explore all that Costa Rica has to offer, schedule a complimentary planning session with us.